Images serve as a significant way to showcase your products, attract customer interest, and influence purchase decisions.
High-quality, descriptive visuals can highlight the features and advantages of your products, allowing potential customers to gain a better understanding. This, in turn, can increase sales and enhance customer satisfaction. Properly categorizing and making visuals easily accessible helps customers find the products they’re looking for, thereby improving the overall user experience. Hence, incorporating visuals into products is highly important for businesses to boost brand visibility, elevate sales, and enhance customer satisfaction.
1- Login to the MarketPOS application as “System Admin” user.

2- Click to Menu icon on the upper Left. Click to ADMINISTRATION MENUS and then click to Product Management.

3- Select the product. From the product properties, go to the Product Images section. Click the + icon to add a new image to the product.

4- Tap on “PICK FROM GALLERY” or “TAKE A PICTURE” . Select image from device gallery or take new picture. Then click on the “check icon“.

5- Click on the YES button in the warning that appears on the screen. There is an important detail here. In order for the new image to become active, the old image must be deleted.

6- Click the UPDATE button for your transactions to be valid. The process of adding images to the product has been completed successfully.

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